Breeder services

Although we breed rarely, we are very aware of the difficulties encountered when trying to get a bitch scanned and puppies microchipped. Judita has been a microchip implanter since 2008 and has chipped puppies from 6 weeks old to fully grown adult dogs (and cats!). She has taken a sonography course and has been using a small portable scanner to scan bitches in pup since 2014.

Therefore, to make pregnancy easier on your bitch, we offer the option of Judita coming to your home to scan your bitch or microchip your puppies there. In both cases, a trip to the vets could expose your bitch or puppies to diseases that can be avoided by having the services performed at your home. It is also possible for Judita to come out to your house when you are uncertain if your bitch has finished whelping and do not want to rush your bitch to the vets unnecessarily. Note that these services are only offered within a few miles of west Sheffield. Please contact us by email to arrange.