Litter by Multi Ch Borderline Country Justinstyle [Aut]
out of Anadune Dark Desire AW(B)

Three Generation Pedigree

Aus Ch Tookurra Catch A Star [Aus]
Rough Black & White, born 2 Aug 2002, hips AVA-4/4, CEA normal, CL normal, TNS normal
Multi Ch Waveney Caught In Time [Aus]
Rough Black & White, born 31 May 2005, hips HD-A/A, elbows 0/0, CEA normal, TNS normal
Aus Ch Waveney Midnyt Impressn [Aus]
born 4 Apr 2002, CL normal, TNS carrier
Multi Ch Borderline Country Justinstyle [Aut]
Rough Black & White, born 12 Nov 2008, hips HD-A/A, elbows 0/0, CEA normal
Sh Ch Madeleys Time Challenger
Rough Black & White, born 30 Mar 1997, hips 5/4, CEA normal, CL normal, TNS carrier
Borderline Country Extacy [Aut]
Black & White, born 3 Sep 2005, hips HD-A, CEA normal, TNS normal
Aut Youth Ch Borderline Country Xdream [Aut]
Black & White, born 15 Mar 2003, hips HD-B, elbows 0/0, CEA carrier, CL normal, TNS normal
Puppy from this litter
Aut Svk Ch Borderline Country X-Ray [Aut]
Rough Black & White, born 15 Mar 2003, hips HD-A, CEA carrier, TNS normal
Aut Youth Ch Deu (VDH) Int Ch Simaro Bruce Darnell [Deu]
Rough Black & White, born 30 Mar 2008, hips HD-A/A, elbows 0/0, CEA normal, CL normal
Aut Deu (Club+VDH) Ch Gingerbell Emilia (LOI 0649682) [Ita]
Rough Black & White, born 21 Oct 2005, hips HD-A, CEA normal
Anadune Dark Desire AW(B)
Rough Black & White, born 13 Oct 2012, hips 7/4
AKC Grand Ch Avatar's Boomer Of Bayshore [Usa]
Rough Black & White, born 4 Jun 2003, hips OFA-Good
Avatar Bayshore Lady Of Rohan OA NAJ NF PT CGC [Usa]
Rough Black & White, born 24 Aug 2008, hips OFA-Good, CL normal, TNS normal
Produced by:
AKC Ch Avatar's Moonbeam Of Bayshore [Usa]
Rough Black & White, born 12 Mar 2004, hips OFA-Good